Why if a server response contain both Public: TRACE and Allow: TRACE then responds with 405 NOT allowed?

I’m testing a web application. To test if TRACE is enabled I used both
nmap –script http-methods target.com

curl -k -i -X OPTIONS target.com

After running the former I get
443/tcp open https
| http-methods:
| Supporte… Continue reading Why if a server response contain both Public: TRACE and Allow: TRACE then responds with 405 NOT allowed?

Is Using SSL secure enough to post request login credentials to my backend server?

I hope everyone is doing okay.

I’ve built a React.js website which is hosted in a server with SSL, but I’m not sure whether it’s secure or not. That’s why I decided to ask you for some advice/tips or solutions that will make my website se… Continue reading Is Using SSL secure enough to post request login credentials to my backend server?