Thales HSM 9000 existing HSM 1 power failed. password error loading LMK to the new HSM 2 [closed]

Password error while loading LMK to the new HSM from the existing one. Is there a way to reset the password of the card with the backup LMK? The existing HSM failed and can’t power on. We have 3 components to load the LMK and only the seco… Continue reading Thales HSM 9000 existing HSM 1 power failed. password error loading LMK to the new HSM 2 [closed]

Posted in hsm

Data Encryption Key protection during transmission in Envelope-Based Encryption

When using cloud HSM (eg: AWS CloudHSM, Google Cloud HSM etc) for client-side encryption, they always refer to Envelope encryption. In this encryption approach, the data encryption key (DEK) is created locally and will be wrapped with a ke… Continue reading Data Encryption Key protection during transmission in Envelope-Based Encryption

Is there a way to store a verification-hash of a secret on a ‘consumer HSM’ like Yubikey or another WebAuthn device?

Context: I’m trying to design an SRS solution for your personal secrets – "Anki for passwords." (This is mostly a learning-exercise, to help me develop my intuition for writing secure(-ish?) code, and to explore the problem-spac… Continue reading Is there a way to store a verification-hash of a secret on a ‘consumer HSM’ like Yubikey or another WebAuthn device?