How to manually connect to my web server and send a TLS handshake with a hostname, followed by the HTTP request headers with a different hostname

My Apache web server logs suffer from the dreaded [ssl:error] AH02032: Hostname provided via SNI and hostname provided via HTTP are different.
I know what it means and why it happens.
I need to manually reproduc… Continue reading How to manually connect to my web server and send a TLS handshake with a hostname, followed by the HTTP request headers with a different hostname

Url only works from the browser it is generated from. Copying it into a Curl Command fails, and gives a 403 error. How can I fix this?

I am doing some web scraping for streaming files, .m3u8 mime type. In this particular instance, I can’t create a functional request that does not end up with a 403 Forbidden error.
How to reproduce:

Go here in the browser: https://sbplay…. Continue reading Url only works from the browser it is generated from. Copying it into a Curl Command fails, and gives a 403 error. How can I fix this?

HttpResponse Headers Information Leakage on Server Error (Verbose Headers)

In the past I have dealt with security issues related to Default Service Banners/Verbose Headers/Information Leakage via HttpResponse Headers. These issues are quite common, and usually look something like this for an Asp.Net – IIS Server… Continue reading HttpResponse Headers Information Leakage on Server Error (Verbose Headers)

Tools to intercept a HTTPS GET and change header Status Code during a re-direct?

When a re-direct from a HTML/PHP site takes a couple seconds, can a tool edit the ‘Status Code’ header to skip to the site which requires an access-token.? Which tools, COTS or open-source can do it? Which Burp tool option (like Pro level)… Continue reading Tools to intercept a HTTPS GET and change header Status Code during a re-direct?