John the Ripper – Zip Password help – Latter half digit command advice

I’m trying to use John to recover some old ZIP files with a password I remember half. One half being a word, the latter half being a mix of four to six digits.
I remember the word, but not the digits after it, what line of code/command can… Continue reading John the Ripper – Zip Password help – Latter half digit command advice

Key Hash With Securely-Optimal Setting : For Encryption vs For Password

Do you have to make a key hash with securely-optimum setting (eg. 100MB memlimit, 3 opslimit) for encryption ?
So I’m making a text encryption function with javascript, using XChaCha20-Poly1305 and Argon2id. It’s already working. The way i… Continue reading Key Hash With Securely-Optimal Setting : For Encryption vs For Password

How certain is it that a shorter password can’t match the salted hash of a long one? [migrated]

We (collectively) salt passwords, then hash them; maybe even run them through something like PBKDF2 first (depending on how the password will be used).
The end result is that we have a string p and map it to a fixed-length string p’ using … Continue reading How certain is it that a shorter password can’t match the salted hash of a long one? [migrated]