Do you rather trust a widely adopted algorithm or an underdog if they’re cryptoanalytically on a level playingfield?

If it comes to the security a hashing or encryption algorithm provides, we never know the full story. There’s that part that we (respectively the public research) understand and can reason about, but we also know that there might be weakne… Continue reading Do you rather trust a widely adopted algorithm or an underdog if they’re cryptoanalytically on a level playingfield?

Do all files downloaded from the web, come with a checksum to verify the file?

Pretty straightforward question. Take the image here:
Does it come with a checksum, which I can verify against after I have fully downloaded the file?
This question goes for any file downloaded, and in my pa… Continue reading Do all files downloaded from the web, come with a checksum to verify the file?

How to sign multiple data sets with a single signature, so that it can be validated for single data set without requiring the rest of the data?

Let’s say Alice has three secrets: SecretA, SecretB, SecretC
Alice shows these three secrets to Bob and gets a single signature from him that signs all three secrets together. Something like
Signature = Sign(Hash(SecretA, SecretB, SecretC)… Continue reading How to sign multiple data sets with a single signature, so that it can be validated for single data set without requiring the rest of the data?