If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

In this question I asked about how to handle situations when SHA-256 hashes are not available for a file downloaded from the internet that contains executable code. Another community member insightfully asked if a hash is really needed to… Continue reading If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

In this question I asked about how to handle situations when SHA-256 hashes are not available for a file downloaded from the internet that contains executable code. Another community member insightfully asked if a hash is really needed to… Continue reading If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

In this question I asked about how to handle situations when SHA-256 hashes are not available for a file downloaded from the internet that contains executable code. Another community member insightfully asked if a hash is really needed to… Continue reading If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?