Intel pushes for hardware-specific additions to vulnerability taxonomy

The professionals who work to uncover security vulnerabilities in hardware must find a “common language” for categorizing them in order to make important strides in securing those systems, according to chipmaking giant Intel Corp. Hardware researchers “do not have the same standard taxonomy that would enable them to share information and techniques with one another,” Intel researchers Arun Kanuparthi and Hareesh Khattri argued in an op-ed published this week on Help Net Security, an information security website. “If we expect hardware vendors and their partners to collectively deliver more secure solutions, we must have a common language for discussing hardware security vulnerabilities,” Kanuparthi and Khattri wrote. At issue is the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) system, a list that is used as a yardstick on which to map Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE). CVEs are more familiar to security researchers as signposts for potential threats, and they’re a notch in the belt […]

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