Police Dismantled Car Hackers That Exploited Keyless Entry Tech

By Waqas
According to authorities, more than 22 locations were searched during the operation while over $1 million in criminal assets were seized.
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Police Dismantled Car Hackers That Exploited Key… Continue reading Police Dismantled Car Hackers That Exploited Keyless Entry Tech

How and Why Do Teens Become Cyber Criminals?

The search to find the mastermind of the attacker group Lapsus$ led to a home outside Oxford, England. The suspected leader was a 16-year-old. He helped take down some of the world’s biggest companies, including Microsoft, from his mother’s house. The BBC reported the teen is alleged to have earned $14 million from his attacks. […]

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Treasury Department sanctions cryptocurrency ‘mixer’ Tornado Cash

Treasury accused the mixer of failing to stop laundering from malicious cyber actors including North Korea’s Lazarus Group.

The post Treasury Department sanctions cryptocurrency ‘mixer’ Tornado Cash appeared first on CyberScoop.

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DDoS attacks in Q2 2022

Politically-motivated cyberattacks dominated the DDoS landscape in the second quarter of 2022 just as they did in Q1. Also, we saw the continuation of a trend that began in spring: an increase in superlong attacks. Continue reading DDoS attacks in Q2 2022

Russia Hackers Abusing BRc4 Red Team Penetration Tool in Recent Attacks

By Deeba Ahmed
Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42 security researchers have discovered that Russian state-sponsored hackers are abusing the latest Brute…
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Russia Hackers Abusing BRc4 Red Team… Continue reading Russia Hackers Abusing BRc4 Red Team Penetration Tool in Recent Attacks