Hackaday Links: June 26, 2022

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Head for the hills!! We’re all doomed! At least that’s the impression you might get from the headlines about the monster Earth-facing sunspot this week. While any sunspot that doubles …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: June 26, 2022

Hackaday Links: June 19, 2022

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The James Webb Space Telescope has had a long and sometimes painful journey from its earliest conception to its ultimate arrival at Lagrange point L2 and subsequent commissioning. Except for …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: June 19, 2022

Hackaday Links: June 12, 2022

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“Don’t worry, that’ll buff right out.” Alarming news this week as the James Webb Space Telescope team announced that a meteoroid had hit the space observatory’s massive primary mirror. While …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: June 12, 2022

Hackaday Links: May 8, 2022

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Russia’s loose cannon of a space boss is sending mixed messages about the future of the International Space Station. Among the conflicting statements from Director-General Dmitry Rogozin, the Roscosmos version …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: May 8, 2022