Security Flaws in WPA3 Protocol Let Attackers Hack WiFi Password

🔥 Breaking — It has been close to just one year since the launch of next-generation Wi-Fi security standard WPA3 and researchers have unveiled several serious vulnerabilities in the wireless security protocol that could allow attackers to recover the p… Continue reading Security Flaws in WPA3 Protocol Let Attackers Hack WiFi Password

WPA3 Standard Officially Launches With New Wi-Fi Security Features

The Wi-Fi Alliance today officially launched WPA3—the next-generation Wi-Fi security standard that promises to eliminate all the known security vulnerabilities and wireless attacks that are up today including the dangerous KRACK attacks.

WPA, or Wi-Fi… Continue reading WPA3 Standard Officially Launches With New Wi-Fi Security Features

KRACK Demo: Critical Key Reinstallation Attack Against Widely-Used WPA2 Wi-Fi Protocol

Do you think your wireless network is secure because you’re using WPA2 encryption?

If yes, think again!

Security researchers have discovered several key management vulnerabilities in the core of Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) protocol that could al… Continue reading KRACK Demo: Critical Key Reinstallation Attack Against Widely-Used WPA2 Wi-Fi Protocol