Bad Security Bug in GnuPG: C Language Blamed (Yet Again)

GnuPG has a serious vulnerability, in a library also used elsewhere: Libgcrypt 1.9.0 contains a classic programming error.
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“Serious” vulnerability found in Libgcrypt, GnuPG’s cryptographic library

Libgcrypt 1.9.0, the newest version of a cryptographic library integrated in the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) free encryption software, has a “severe” security vulnerability and should not be used, warned Werner Koch. Libgcrypt vulnerability w… Continue reading “Serious” vulnerability found in Libgcrypt, GnuPG’s cryptographic library

What is the correct way to create a backup copy of a PGP key pair?

I am using GnuPG 2.2.20 to create my key pair.
I have successfully created a key pair, now I want to create a backup copy in case of HDD failure.
Following the instruction here, I have tried
gpg –output backupkeys.pgp –armor –export-sec… Continue reading What is the correct way to create a backup copy of a PGP key pair?

Is there some way to verify that what I think I encrypted is actually what was encrypted when I don’t have the private key? (PGP)

Let’s say that Joe gives his PGP public key to Sue so that Sue can send Joe a secret message.
Sue opens her PGP/GPG program, types I’m in love with Joe! and encrypts the message with Joe’s public key.
The result is a blob that only Joe can… Continue reading Is there some way to verify that what I think I encrypted is actually what was encrypted when I don’t have the private key? (PGP)