Geohot’s Self-Driving Code On GitHub

First there was [Geohot]’s lofty goal to build a hacker’s version of the self-driving car. Then came and a whole bunch of venture capital. After that, a letter from the Feds and a hasty retreat from the business end of things. The latest development?’s openpilot project shows up on GitHub!

If you’ve got either an Acura ILX or Honda Civic 2016 Touring addition, you can start to play around with this technology on your own. Is this a good idea? Are you willing to buy some time on a closed track?

A quick browse through the code gives …read more

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[Geohot] Selling His “Self-Driving” Car Tech for $1k by New Year

This week [Geohot] announced the launch of his self-driving car hardware. This is the natural extension of his proof-of-concept shown off in December which he parlayed into a Silicon Valley startup called [Geohot], whose real name is [George Holtz], is well know for jailbreaking the iPhone and making Sony look like idiots when they retroactively crippled Linus support on PS3. He has hardware chops.

Initial self-driving add-on hardware only works with Honda and Accura models that already have lane-keeping assist features because those vehicles already have built-in front radar. The package, which replaces the rear view mirror, adds a …read more

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