The wonderfully weird winners of The Mind’s Eye Photo Awards

Now in its fifth year, The Mind’s Eye is online photography magazine All About Photo’s annual competition. The winning and celebrated images this year span everything from photojournalism to abstract art, with a fascinating focus on the strange or unca… Continue reading The wonderfully weird winners of The Mind’s Eye Photo Awards

Airport Aerials: The incredible photo project looking down on airports

Photographer Toby Harriman never planned on becoming an aerial photographer, but everything changed after his first doors-off helicopter flight in 2012. One of his personal projects over the past few years has been exploring the unique designs of diffe… Continue reading Airport Aerials: The incredible photo project looking down on airports

In photos: Sports cars galore at the Chicago Auto Show 2020

Every car show has two things: lots of great vehicles for browsers to peruse and sports cars. Fast-paced cars are such a staple that most car shows feature them front and center. Displays of supercars, hypercars, muscle cars, and more are found through… Continue reading In photos: Sports cars galore at the Chicago Auto Show 2020

In photos: Oddballs and oddities at the Chicago Auto Show 2020

One of the greatest things about auto shows is the oddball vehicles that often come out of private collections, museums, and warehouses of the local area. In Chicago, there are a lot of goofy things to see while perusing the latest and greatest automak… Continue reading In photos: Oddballs and oddities at the Chicago Auto Show 2020

In photos: The best in trucking at the Chicago Auto Show 2020

Every year, the Chicago Auto Show opens as the largest motor show in North America. There are two galleries of vehicles in the massive McCormick Center downtown, each with a lot of space for a lot of vehicles to be shown and seen.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading In photos: The best in trucking at the Chicago Auto Show 2020

NASA marks Chandra space telescope's 20th anniversary with gallery of stunning new images

A composite image comprised of optical data from the Isaac Newton Telescope and X-ray data from ...

NASA has celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Chandra X-ray Observatory’s orbital life with a collection of new images that reflect the beauty and scientific importance of the veteran space telescope’s work. The gallery includes a vista detailing the center of our galaxy, a beautiful supernova remnant, and a stellar nursery populated by massive, hot young stars.

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Category: Space


Continue reading NASA marks Chandra space telescope's 20th anniversary with gallery of stunning new images

2019 Audubon Photography Awards include new prizes – and plenty of amazing bird pics

2019 marks the 10th year of the Audubon Photography Awards, and the introduction of two new prizes – the Plants for Birds Prize and the Fisher Prize. From over 8,000 entries (by 2,253 entrants) from all over North America, the judges were tas… Continue reading 2019 Audubon Photography Awards include new prizes – and plenty of amazing bird pics