How can I exploit the following code using string format vulnerabilities, Global offset table & GDB? [closed]

The following code should be exploited and I need to exploit it in such a way that it runs my command (l33t) and there should be shellcode and exploit included, so that it runs my command. I believe I need to use GDB and it has something t… Continue reading How can I exploit the following code using string format vulnerabilities, Global offset table & GDB? [closed]

How to reduce font size for all images, dates and times in Microsoft MHT document? [migrated]

How to easily, non-programming, non-third-party way to reduce size of all:

dates and time

Doing so helps those read essential information within MHT document from Steps Recorder.
As example, Windows Steps Recorder is showi… Continue reading How to reduce font size for all images, dates and times in Microsoft MHT document? [migrated]

C – Remote string format attack exploit – %n Does not seem to write anything on the stack

[As part of a ctf] I am trying to exploit a remote server through a tcp connection. The server is using snprintf() and provides user input as the formatting string. My goal is to dump the stack. Determine the address on the stack of a vari… Continue reading C – Remote string format attack exploit – %n Does not seem to write anything on the stack