Symantec API Flaws reportedly let attackers steal Private SSL Keys and Certificates

A security researcher has disclosed critical issues in the processes and third-party API used by Symantec certificate resellers to deliver and manage Symantec SSL certificates.

The flaw, discovered by Chris Byrne, an information security consultant an… Continue reading Symantec API Flaws reportedly let attackers steal Private SSL Keys and Certificates

What is Certificate Transparency? How It helps Detect Fake SSL Certificates

Do you know there is a huge encryption backdoor still exists on the Internet that most people don’t know about?

I am talking about the traditional Digital Certificate Management System… the weakest link, which is completely based on trust, and it has already been broken several times.

To ensure the confidentiality and integrity of their personal data, billions of Internet users blindly

Continue reading What is Certificate Transparency? How It helps Detect Fake SSL Certificates