Visiting the NSA

Yesterday, I visited the NSA. It was Cyber Command’s birthday, but that’s not why I was there. I visited as part of the Berklett Cybersecurity Project, run out of the Berkman Klein Center and funded by the Hewlett Foundation. (BERKman hewLETT — get it? We have a web page, but it’s badly out of date.) It was a full day… Continue reading Visiting the NSA

Visiting the NSA

Yesterday, I visited the NSA. It was Cyber Command’s birthday, but that’s not why I was there. I visited as part of the Berklett Cybersecurity Project, run out of the Berkman Klein Center and funded by the Hewlett Foundation. (BERKman hewLETT — get it… Continue reading Visiting the NSA

NSA might shut down phone snooping program, whatever that means

We’ve heard this tale before. This time, it was mentioned by a congressional aide. Also, the NSA released Ghidra, a free reverse-engineering tool. Continue reading NSA might shut down phone snooping program, whatever that means

House Votes to Reauthorize Controversial Spy Provision, Section 702

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to renew U.S. spy provisions, extending the powers of the NSA to collect internet communications for another six years. Continue reading House Votes to Reauthorize Controversial Spy Provision, Section 702

Congress Is About to Vote On Expanding the Warrantless Surveillance of Americans

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act has been abused by the intelligence agencies to spy on Americans. This week the House of Representatives will vote on a bill to make that legal. Continue reading Congress Is About to Vote On Expanding the Warrantless Surveillance of Americans