If a computer gets infected with malware, can the host firewall block the malware from communicating back to its controller on the internet?

I’m trying to figure out how secure a host firewall is, hence the question in the title.
I read that many firewalls allow outbound connections to port 80 to allow browsing, would that be enough for the malware to communicate to the control… Continue reading If a computer gets infected with malware, can the host firewall block the malware from communicating back to its controller on the internet?

Deploy to Digital Ocean droplet from Github Action – Should I leave the SSH port open for future deployments?

I’m going to a deploy a web app (angular static frontend and node backend in docker) to digital ocean droplet. Deployment is done from Github Action by essentially loging via SSH to the droplet and pulling code from Github, spining up dock… Continue reading Deploy to Digital Ocean droplet from Github Action – Should I leave the SSH port open for future deployments?

Firewall showing process trying to connect to botnet in Windows Server but cannot find

I have a server which our firewall is showing that every minute a connection to a botnet IP is being attempted and blocked. So every minute a connection to with target port 52052 by the process AppData\Roaming\Java\jre8\bin\… Continue reading Firewall showing process trying to connect to botnet in Windows Server but cannot find

Does the application gateway firewall function only on the application layer or on all layers of the OSI model?

This is very confusing. I am seeing 2 different things in various books and sites.
A. Application gateway firewall scans layer 1 to layer 7 of the OSI model.
B. Application gateway firewall only scans Application Layer (Or Application, Pre… Continue reading Does the application gateway firewall function only on the application layer or on all layers of the OSI model?