How to develop a WAF ( Web application firewall ) from scratch ? and what are the tech stacks required? [closed]

I have to build a web application firewall from scratch but most of resources available are either WAF marketing or too complex to understand . My goal is to understand deeply on web application firewall through this project as how WAF can… Continue reading How to develop a WAF ( Web application firewall ) from scratch ? and what are the tech stacks required? [closed]

Is it possible that Anti-Cybercrime Police catch and track DDOS black service buyer? [closed]

Is it possible that Anti-Cybercrime Police catch and track DDOS black service buyer?
My IP is being attacked for years (DDOS) from IPs and IP ranges from hundreds of different IPs.
The story is:
I have a neighbor, he is an IT professional…. Continue reading Is it possible that Anti-Cybercrime Police catch and track DDOS black service buyer? [closed]

How to enable ModSecurity to actually block/deny malicious requests? [migrated]

I have setup installed mod security module for apache in ubuntu 22.04, using.
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-security2
sudo a2enmod security2
sudo systemctl restart apache2

This installs security module version 2.9.5 with core rule s… Continue reading How to enable ModSecurity to actually block/deny malicious requests? [migrated]