What are the security risks of storing sensitive documents on your android devices’s external storage?

Documents such as driving license, financial statements etc. with a lot of PII, how big is the risk of storing such type of documents on the shared external storage on android?

Android device is encrypted but the individual f… Continue reading What are the security risks of storing sensitive documents on your android devices’s external storage?

Rename file by Ransomware- Does anyone know what is ment by this? [closed]

Does anyone understand what the author means which this (please see the screenshot below).
This is a link to the paper, it’s on page 19 (page 28 if you count all pages):
https://pure.tue.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/72275825/738228_Mulders_D.A… Continue reading Rename file by Ransomware- Does anyone know what is ment by this? [closed]

How can we restrict users from copying "non-allowed" file types from USB?

We blocked USB ports on most of the devices using Intune. However, a subset of users requires USB access due to their job scope which requires them to copy images from their cameras to their PCs. Is there a way we can restrict users from c… Continue reading How can we restrict users from copying "non-allowed" file types from USB?

fscrypt master key handling at kernel space adding additional secure params

In fscrypt, master key is received from userspace and actual encryption keys are derived from this master key using KDF. If any other process is able to get hold of the master key, they can unlock the encrypted directory and access the con… Continue reading fscrypt master key handling at kernel space adding additional secure params

Why does some Ransomware encrypt also the file header and trailer?

Some time ago I read an article that mentioned that it is possible for some ransomware to change the magic numbers of a file (that makes sense). However, the authors claimed that their method was better, because they calculated the entropy… Continue reading Why does some Ransomware encrypt also the file header and trailer?