When using Encryption that produces random memory/storage can you randomly input memory/data that reads as known file types?

I refer to this question’s answer, the second part mentioning the random data, and no headers or anything, including files that are recognizable. Reading the answer just made me think adding random file data would just further the security… Continue reading When using Encryption that produces random memory/storage can you randomly input memory/data that reads as known file types?

Securely encrypt and decrypt files via PBE in Java (Jasypt seems insecure)

This post has been MOVED to StackOverflow due to lack of answers on Info Security:


Considered solutions were Jasypt a… Continue reading Securely encrypt and decrypt files via PBE in Java (Jasypt seems insecure)

Algorithm to implement symmetric encryption in VB.Net for Windows and in Swift for iOS

I need to implement symmetric encryption to enable secure communication between one program running on a Windows machine (to be written in VB.Net) and an app running on an iOS device (to be written in Swift). I’d like to use a reasonably … Continue reading Algorithm to implement symmetric encryption in VB.Net for Windows and in Swift for iOS

Possible to restore LUKS header from partition that uses the exact same password and keyfile?

I was in Windows 10 and it told me I needed to Initialize Disk so I clicked it and now my LUKS header has been overwritten. I created my encrypted partitions in Linux with cryptsetup command. However, I have another drive that uses the sam… Continue reading Possible to restore LUKS header from partition that uses the exact same password and keyfile?