‘I’m Possibly Alive Because It Exists:’ Why Sleep Apnea Patients Rely on a CPAP Machine Hacker

An Australian hacker has spent thousands of hours hacking the DRM that medical device manufacturers put on CPAP machines to create a free tool that lets patients modify their treatment. Continue reading ‘I’m Possibly Alive Because It Exists:’ Why Sleep Apnea Patients Rely on a CPAP Machine Hacker

45 Out of 50 Electronics Companies Illegally Void Warranties After Independent Repair, Sting Operation Finds

New research showed that 90 percent of contacted companies told customers that repairing their own device would void the warranty; that’s illegal under federal law. Continue reading 45 Out of 50 Electronics Companies Illegally Void Warranties After Independent Repair, Sting Operation Finds

FTC Says ‘Warranty Void If Removed’ Stickers Are Bullshit, Warns Manufacturers They’re Breaking the Law

Federal law says you can repair your own things, and manufacturers cannot force you to use their own repair services. Continue reading FTC Says ‘Warranty Void If Removed’ Stickers Are Bullshit, Warns Manufacturers They’re Breaking the Law