Weekly Cyber Risk Roundup: Instagram Bug May Affect Millions and FDA Recalls Vulnerable Pacemakers

Instagram was among the week’s top trending cybercrime targets due to both the company confirming a bug that may have leaked some users’ personal information and a malicious actor claiming that he is selling the personal data of six million Instagram users. On August 28, Instagram’s most popular user, Selena Gomez, had her account hacked… Read More Continue reading Weekly Cyber Risk Roundup: Instagram Bug May Affect Millions and FDA Recalls Vulnerable Pacemakers

Weekly Cyber Risk Roundup: Payment Card Breaches, Malicious Insiders, and Regulatory Action

Gamestop was the week’s top trending cybercrime target as the company is investigating reports that customer payment card information may have been stolen from gamestop.com. In addition to Gamestop, payment card information was also stolen from the restaurant chain Shoney’s and a series of car washes have issued breach notification letters tied to a compromise… Read More Continue reading Weekly Cyber Risk Roundup: Payment Card Breaches, Malicious Insiders, and Regulatory Action

FDA Demands St. Jude Take Action on Medical Device Security

The FDA sent Abbott Laboratories a warning letter citing that it had inadequately addressed the security of the maligned Merlin@home Transmitter. Continue reading FDA Demands St. Jude Take Action on Medical Device Security