Breathtaking Alarm Clock Looks Like it Came From a 1960 Fallout Shelter

All the hardcore geeks have alarm clocks where the bell striker is a hard disk read head… or at least they’ll be building them after seeing this. [Senile Data Systems] created an industrial voltage alarm clock out of decade counters that looks like it was unearthed from a fallout shelter …read more

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Fallout-Inspired Clock Radio Helps You Party Like It’s 2077

Since its first release seven years ago, Raspberry Pi single-board computers have become notoriously ubiquitous in compact and portable builds. They’re used in many different applications, but one of the most interesting has got to be how it can turn just about any old thing into a Linux computer. [xito666] …read more

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New ‘CacheOut’ Attack Targets Intel CPUs

Researchers have release a new proof-of-concept attack targeting a new Intel Speculative-type bug called CacheOut present in most Intel CPUs. Continue reading New ‘CacheOut’ Attack Targets Intel CPUs