Security Trends in 2016: Securing the Internet of Things

Whenever you connect anything to the internet, there is risk involved. Just ask the millions of IoT zombies infected with Mirai. Sure, there have been various stories over the years about hacking thermostats, refrigerators, cameras, pacemakers, insulin pumps and other medical devices along with cars, homes and hotel rooms…but Mirai took it to a new […] Continue reading Security Trends in 2016: Securing the Internet of Things

Q/A with itacs GmbH’s Kai Wilke – DevCentral’s Featured Member for February

Kai Wilke is a Principal Consultant for IT Security at itacs GmbH – a German consulting company located in Berlin City specializing in Microsoft security solutions, SharePoint deployments, and customizations as well as classical IT Consulting. He is also a 2017 DevCentral MVP and DevCentral’s Featured Member for February! For almost 20 years in IT, […] Continue reading Q/A with itacs GmbH’s Kai Wilke – DevCentral’s Featured Member for February

What is an Application Delivery Controller – Part II

Application Delivery Basics One of the unfortunate effects of the continued evolution of the load balancer into today’s application delivery controller (ADC) is that it is often too easy to forget the basic problem for which load balancers were originally created—producing highly available, scalable, and predictable application services. We get too lost in the realm […] Continue reading What is an Application Delivery Controller – Part II

What is an Application Delivery Controller – Part 1

A Little History Application Delivery got its start in the form of network-based load balancing hardware. It is the essential foundation on which Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs) operate. The second iteration of purpose-built load balancing (following application-based proprietary systems) materialized in the form of network-based appliances. These are the true founding fathers of today’s ADCs. […] Continue reading What is an Application Delivery Controller – Part 1

Lightboard Lessons: What is MQTT?

The mad dash to connect virtually every noun to the internet or The Internet of Things, is creating a massive M2M network for all the devices, systems, sensors and actuators to connect & communicate on the Internet. With that, they need a communications protocol to understand each other. One of those is Message Queue Telemetry […] Continue reading Lightboard Lessons: What is MQTT?

OK 2017, Now What?

The Year of the (Fire) Rooster will soon be upon us and the talkative, outspoken, frank, open, honest, and loyal Rooster could influence events in 2017. Whether you were born under the symbol or not, Roosters strive on trust and responsibility, essential for any organization especially in these times. 2016 (Year of the Monkey) brought […] Continue reading OK 2017, Now What?