Alleged Russian Hacker Pleads Not Guilty After Extradition to United States

A Russian hacker indicted by a United States court for his involvement in online ad fraud schemes that defrauded multiple American companies out of tens of millions of dollars pleaded not guilty on Friday in a courtroom in Brooklyn, New York.

Aleksand… Continue reading Alleged Russian Hacker Pleads Not Guilty After Extradition to United States

Accused ‘Methbot’ ringleader extradited to U.S.

The accused ringleader of “Methbot,” an alleged digital ad fraud scheme, is scheduled to appear in Brooklyn court Friday to be arraigned on charges related to defrauding companies out of tens of millions of dollars. Aleksandr Zhukov, a 38-year-old Russian national, was extradited to the U.S. from Bulgaria Thursday, according to a spokesman for the Eastern District of New York. Zhukov is the lead defendant in the case, in which he and four other men are accused of renting more than 1,900 computer servers to simulate humans viewing ads on fabricated web pages. The group developed relationships with ad networks, which paid the Methbot group roughly $7 million in the fraud scheme, prosecutors said in a November indictment. Zhukov worked as the CEO of that group, described in the indictment as “Ad Network #1,” and directed roughly $5.4 million from one account into a corporate account located in New Zealand, prosecutors […]

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U.S. warns countries not to ‘manipulate the extradition process’ for cybercriminals

The Department of Justice’s second-in-command has called on other countries to step up their efforts to extradite accused cybercriminals, warning that the U.S. will “expose” countries that “manipulate the extradition process.” “We will identify nations that routinely block the fair administration of justice and fail to act in good faith,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told a general assembly of Interpol, an international police organization, on Sunday. “In some instances, nations shield their citizens from the rule of law with schemes that waste resources, cause needless delay, thwart investigative efforts, and undermine justice,” Rosenstein said in his prepared remarks. The U.S. processes extraditions “without regard to the nationality of the offender, but that cooperation must be reciprocated,” Rosenstein said. Rosenstein cited the case of Aleksey Belan, a Russian national charged with helping compromise 500 million Yahoo email accounts in 2014. In 2012, Belan was charged in a separate hack of […]

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Suspected Russian cybercriminal arrested in Bulgaria at U.S. request, lawyer says

Bulgarian authorities last week arrested an accused Russian cybercriminal based on an Interpol warrant that originated with prosecutors from the Eastern District of New York, a lawyer familiar with the case told CyberScoop. Alexander Zhukov, a Russian national, was apprehended by police after he was indicted in absentia by U.S. prosecutors, according to Arkady Bukh, a New York-based attorney with a history of representing suspected hackers from Eastern Europe. Bukh now is in negotiations to represent Zhukov, he said Wednesday. Prosecutors accused Zhukov of affiliate fraud, Bukh said. Affiliate fraud typically involves artificially inflating internet traffic to defraud marketers, charging advertisers for access to website visitors who don’t exist. “There is widespread fraud from huge amounts of traffic getting directed through botnets,” said Bukh, describing the rise of ad fraud in general. “Before, it was boys and girls in Russia sitting in boiler rooms clicking manual clicks in order to get […]

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Greece U-Turns — Now Approves Mr. Bitcoin’s Extradition To Russia

Greece just took another U-turn.

Mr. Bitcoin a.k.a. Alexander Vinnik is not going to France nor to the United States; instead, he is now possibly going to his homeland Russia.

The Supreme Civil and Criminal Court of Greece on Friday has overruled pre… Continue reading Greece U-Turns — Now Approves Mr. Bitcoin’s Extradition To Russia

Two Romanians extradited to Atlanta to face cyber-fraud charges

Two Romanians have been extradited to Atlanta, Georgia to face federal charges of wire fraud conspiracy, wire fraud, computer fraud and abuse, and aggravated identity theft, the Northern District of Georgia said in a press release From October 2011 unt… Continue reading Two Romanians extradited to Atlanta to face cyber-fraud charges

Do Cybercriminals Ever Get Extradited?

Crime across the internet knows no boundaries, yet cybercriminals initiate their act from a physical location within the geographic boundaries of some nation. Therefore, it stands to reason that victims and law enforcement both have a need to identify… Continue reading Do Cybercriminals Ever Get Extradited?

British Hacker ‘Lauri Love’ will not be extradited to US, Court Rules

British citizen and hacker Lauri Love, who was accused of hacking into United States government websites, will not be extradited to stand trial in the U.S., the High Court of England and Wales ruled today.

Love, 33, is facing a 99-year prison sentence… Continue reading British Hacker ‘Lauri Love’ will not be extradited to US, Court Rules