German Government Paying Microsoft Nearly $900,000 for Extended Windows 7 Support

The German government failed to migrate all its PCs to Windows 10 in time, and now it’s going to have to pay Microsoft 800,000 euros for extended support.
The post German Government Paying Microsoft Nearly $900,000 for Extended Windows 7 Support appea… Continue reading German Government Paying Microsoft Nearly $900,000 for Extended Windows 7 Support

Microsoft Gives Exchange 2010 Nine More Months

In a surprising but welcome announcement, Microsoft moved the end of extended support for Exchange 2010 to October 2020. This version of Exchange was the most technology-rich and significant in the product’s history, which might be the reason why so many organizations still depend on Exchange 2010 for email. Better options exist, and Exchange Online is the natural place to go… if your network and applications allow the move.

The post Microsoft Gives Exchange 2010 Nine More Months appeared first on Petri.

Continue reading Microsoft Gives Exchange 2010 Nine More Months

Reminder: Microsoft to end support for Windows 7 in 1-year from today

A new reminder for those who are still holding on to the Windows 7 operating system—you have one year left until Microsoft ends support for its 9-year-old operating system.

So it’s time for you to upgrade your OS and say goodbye to Windows 7, as its f… Continue reading Reminder: Microsoft to end support for Windows 7 in 1-year from today