Thin Client and Smartphone Step in for 3D Printer’s Raspberry Pi and Touchscreen

It’s no secret that Raspberry Pi’s are a little hard to come by these days. Unless you had the foresight to stock up before the supply dried up — and …read more Continue reading Thin Client and Smartphone Step in for 3D Printer’s Raspberry Pi and Touchscreen

Apple II Talks to 3D Printer With a Little Modern help

Controlling most desktop 3D printers is as easy as sending them G-code commands over a serial connection. As you might expect, it takes a relatively quick machine to fire off the commands fast enough for a good-quality print. But what …read more

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Magnets Make This Panda Move

A single board computer on a desk is fine for quick demos but for taking it into the wild (or even the rest of the house) you’re going to want a little more safety from debris, ESD, and drops. As SBCs get more useful this becomes an increasingly relevant problem …read more

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