Security Report about "Insecure Content-Type Setting": Does this apply to CSS and JavaScript as well?

I am working through a report of an automated vulnerability scanner. One Item is

Web Server Misconfiguration: Insecure Content-Type Setting ( 11359 )

It’s about not returning the character-set for a given HTML page like so, for examp… Continue reading Security Report about "Insecure Content-Type Setting": Does this apply to CSS and JavaScript as well?

Need a push in the right direction with this encoding I found [Not Homework] [duplicate]

I’m trying to learn and push myself into the world of Cybersecurity, so I am still fairly new to concepts. I came across this encryption:


My original observation was that this was in Base36. I plugged it into… Continue reading Need a push in the right direction with this encoding I found [Not Homework] [duplicate]