How does the Apple/Google Exposure Notification system prevent infected users from being identified?

Under Apple and Google’s contact tracing scheme, Alice’s device generates a daily random value (termed a Temporary Exposure Key or TEK in the Cryptography Specification). Every 10 minutes, a Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) is generated … Continue reading How does the Apple/Google Exposure Notification system prevent infected users from being identified?

Security Report about "Insecure Content-Type Setting": Does this apply to CSS and JavaScript as well?

I am working through a report of an automated vulnerability scanner. One Item is

Web Server Misconfiguration: Insecure Content-Type Setting ( 11359 )

It’s about not returning the character-set for a given HTML page like so, for examp… Continue reading Security Report about "Insecure Content-Type Setting": Does this apply to CSS and JavaScript as well?

Threema: Are received messages exposed, when sender’s private key gets compromised?

Note: This question is specific to the Threema Messenger, and relates to their implementation of encryption (using the NaCl ECDH implementation as per their docs).

I refer specifically to their “note on outgoing messages” in their validat… Continue reading Threema: Are received messages exposed, when sender’s private key gets compromised?

Hardening ASP.NET against session fixation: Should I change the session ID despite the additional Auth cookie?


I am the responsible developer for an ASP.NET application that uses the “Membership” (username and password) authentication scheme. I am presented with the following report from a WebInspect scan:

WebInspect has found a sess… Continue reading Hardening ASP.NET against session fixation: Should I change the session ID despite the additional Auth cookie?