Apple Approves PC/Linux/Mac-Emulating App ‘UTM SE’ for App Store, Reversing Earlier Rejection

At the end of June, Apple’s App Store rejected the Windows/retro PC emulator “UTM SE”. But in a reversal Apple approved the app Saturday, reports the Verge.

“We are happy to announce that UTM SE is available (for free) on iOS and visionOS App Store… Continue reading Apple Approves PC/Linux/Mac-Emulating App ‘UTM SE’ for App Store, Reversing Earlier Rejection

Emulator App Turns Game Boy Camera Into ‘The Worst and Best Webcam You’ll Ever Have’

Epilogue, the company behind the GB Operator emulator, which lets users play Game Boy cartridges on a PC, announced that it’s working on an update to turn the Game Boy Camera into a lo-fi webcam. Time Extension reports: The Playback app currently allow… Continue reading Emulator App Turns Game Boy Camera Into ‘The Worst and Best Webcam You’ll Ever Have’