Hackaday Podcast 031: Holonomic Drives, Badges of DEF CON, We Don’t Do On-Chip Debugging, and Small Run Manufacturing Snafus

Mike Szczys and Kerry Scharfglass recorded this week’s podcast live from DEF CON. Among the many topics of discussion, we explore some of the more interesting ways to move a robot. From BB-8 to Holonomic Drives, Kerry’s hoping to have a proof of concept in time for Supercon. Are you …read more

Continue reading Hackaday Podcast 031: Holonomic Drives, Badges of DEF CON, We Don’t Do On-Chip Debugging, and Small Run Manufacturing Snafus

200 million enterprise, industrial, and medical devices affected by RCE flaws in VxWorks RTOS

Armis researchers have discovered 11 vulnerabilities (including 6 critical RCE flaws) in Wind River VxWorks, a real-time operating system used by more than two billion devices across industrial, medical and enterprise environments. Collectively dubbed … Continue reading 200 million enterprise, industrial, and medical devices affected by RCE flaws in VxWorks RTOS

Researchers develop new technique to identify malware in embedded systems

A technique for detecting types of malware that use a system’s architecture to thwart traditional security measures has been developed by researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of Texas at Austin. The new detection ap… Continue reading Researchers develop new technique to identify malware in embedded systems

Mirai variant picks up new tricks, expands list of targeted devices

Mirai, the infamous malware that turns Linux-based IoT devices into remotely controlled bots, has been updated to target new devices and device types. Among these are LG SuperSign TVs (TV solutions meant to be installed in public areas and display info… Continue reading Mirai variant picks up new tricks, expands list of targeted devices

Friday Hack Chat: Elecia White Talks Embedded Systems

The Arduino ecosystem, despite the comments it receives from Real Engineers™, is actually pretty great. There’s no other tool that works with as many varieties of microcontrollers, has as many libraries, and is as easy to use as the Arduino. It’s perfect for getting a project up and running quickly, but when it comes down to getting the last cycles or kilobits out of an embedded system you’ll quickly find the little blue infinity icon just won’t cut it.

Embedded system design goes far beyond the Arduino ecosystem, and for this week’s Hack Chat, we’ll be talking about squeezing the …read more

Continue reading Friday Hack Chat: Elecia White Talks Embedded Systems

FTC Issues Public Challenge to Improve IoT Patching

The FTC announced the IoT Home Inspector Challenge, a contest with the goal of coming up with a patching solution fit for consumer-grade connected devices used in the home. Continue reading FTC Issues Public Challenge to Improve IoT Patching

Flaw in HID door controllers lets attackers unlock doors, deactivate alarms

Trend Micro researcher Ricky Lawshae has unearthed a critical vulnerability in HID’s VertX and Edge door controllers. Exploiting the flaw is easy, and could result in attackers gaining complete control of the device, meaning they could unlock doors and switch off alarms controlled through it. HID’s access control systems are ubiquitous, and keep unwanted individuals out of many rooms and spaces in a huge number of office buildings, government complexes, hospitals, aeroports, etc. These vulnerable … More Continue reading Flaw in HID door controllers lets attackers unlock doors, deactivate alarms