WiCyS: A champion for a more diverse cybersecurity workforce

In this Help Net Security interview, Lynn Dohm, Executive Director at Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS), talks about how the organization supports its members across different stages of their cybersecurity journey. WiCyS (pronounced Wee-Sis) is an organiz… Continue reading WiCyS: A champion for a more diverse cybersecurity workforce

Ride-on Unicorn could be the “killer app” for kids

The latent potential for personal robotics became very real for me while I was strolling the halls of the 45th Bangkok International Motor Show this week. There are always good ideas at motor shows, except the good ideas at motor shows in developing re… Continue reading Ride-on Unicorn could be the “killer app” for kids

Google Teams with ‘Highlights’, Shows How Goofus and Gallant Use the Internet

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes:

Last month there was a special Google-funded edition of Highlights for Children, the 77-year-old magazine targetting children between the ages of 6 and 12. This edition was based on Google’s “Be Internet Awesom… Continue reading Google Teams with ‘Highlights’, Shows How Goofus and Gallant Use the Internet