Does a TLS client needs to support one of the named groups (curves?) supported by the server for TLS handshake to succeed?

Does a TLS client needs to support one of the named groups (curves?) supported by the server for TLS handshake to succeed?

Longer version:

I’m running a web site using Windows Server 2016. The web site has thousands of user… Continue reading Does a TLS client needs to support one of the named groups (curves?) supported by the server for TLS handshake to succeed?

Is it important to use separate GPG keys for signing Git commits and for SSH authentication?

When using GPG to sign Git commits, and as the SSH-agent, is it important to use separate sub-keys for the signing of the Git commits as it is for authentication with the SSH host of the Git server?

Does using the same sub-key for both ex… Continue reading Is it important to use separate GPG keys for signing Git commits and for SSH authentication?

ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 – How to determine ECDHE Key Length?

Server: SSL Certificate, 2048-bit RSA Public Key, Signature Algorithm is sha256RSA

What am I missing here? !

I’ve scoured the RFC’s, and I have yet to find anything on how to determine the ECDHE key size (or any key exchan… Continue reading ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 – How to determine ECDHE Key Length?