How to generate a X509 certificate with an EC public key and RSA signature using OpenSSL?

I’m trying to generate a X509 certificate with an EC public key but an RSA signature. I’m using OpenSSL like this:
openssl genpkey -algorithm EC -out ec256key.pem -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:P-256 -pkeyopt ec_param_enc:named_curve
openssl r… Continue reading How to generate a X509 certificate with an EC public key and RSA signature using OpenSSL?

Curve25519 vs. Curve25519 and AES Key vs. Curve25519 AES Ciphertext (Instagram)

I am trying to send a password from a client to the server. I just don’t know how to encrypt it.

I used a website (Instagram) as a guide here.
Here the password is encrypted with AES and the key is then encrypted with a Curve25519… Continue reading Curve25519 vs. Curve25519 and AES Key vs. Curve25519 AES Ciphertext (Instagram)