Unsecured Video Doorbells Sold on Major Platforms: Millions at Risk of Hacking

By Deeba Ahmed
Major Retailers Selling Video Doorbells with Serious Security Flaws, Consumer Reports Warns.
This is a post from HackRead.com Read the original post: Unsecured Video Doorbells Sold on Major Platforms: Millions at Risk of Hacking
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Minimalistic Doorbell Doesn’t Need An Internet Connection – Or Even a Power Supply

A doorblell made from a stepper motor and a hard drive

Doorbells are among those everyday objects that started out simple but picked up an immense amount of complexity over the years. What began as a mechanism to bang two pieces …read more Continue reading Minimalistic Doorbell Doesn’t Need An Internet Connection – Or Even a Power Supply

Door Mutes Microphone to Prevent Remote Learning Humiliation

In a kind of reverse twist on the doorbell, [TheStaticTurtle] whipped up a system to mute his computer’s microphone whenever someone opens the door to his room. He lives in France, where the government announced a strict lockdown last Friday. Like many university students around the world these days, he …read more

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