[SANS ISC] Suspicious Domains Tracking Dashboard

I published the following diary on isc.sans.org: “Suspicious Domains Tracking Dashboard“. Domain names remain a gold mine to investigate security incidents or to prevent some malicious activity to occur on your network (example by using a DNS firewall). The ISC has also a page dedicated to domain names. But how

[The post [SANS ISC] Suspicious Domains Tracking Dashboard has been first published on /dev/random]

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Can the subdomains have different certificates from the main domain if I use HSTS includeSubDomains and preload?

I have a main domain where I serve my website, and then I have subdomains that I use to deploy other projects which may be temporary. Having set up a deployment system with docker and letsencrypt, each project automatically h… Continue reading Can the subdomains have different certificates from the main domain if I use HSTS includeSubDomains and preload?

Whois Maintainer Accidentally Makes Password Hashes Available For Download

Whois maintainer for Asia Pacific notifies customers of an error where hashed authentication details for were inadvertently available for download. Continue reading Whois Maintainer Accidentally Makes Password Hashes Available For Download

Expired domain names and malvertising

A look at how expired domain names can be turned into a lucrative malicious traffic redirection tool.
Threat analysis
Tags: domainmalvertisingmalwareregistrantregistrartech support scam

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The post Expired domain na… Continue reading Expired domain names and malvertising

Is there a more secure way for users to log into the domain other than just passwords?

Say you have this:

An NPS server that grants access to users using client certificates (EAP-TLS).

So say someone managed to snatch the domain administrator’s password. So he logs into the computer using the domain Administ… Continue reading Is there a more secure way for users to log into the domain other than just passwords?

Is there a more secure way for users to log into the domain other than just passwords?

Say you have this:

An NPS server that grants access to users using client certificates (EAP-TLS).

So for example someone managed to snatch the domain administrator’s password and they log in to the computer using the domai… Continue reading Is there a more secure way for users to log into the domain other than just passwords?