Teams Supports Office 365 Data Loss Prevention Policies

DLP blocks a Teams message
DLP blocks a Teams message

Microsoft Teams supports Office 365 Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies, which means that you can check for the sharing of sensitive data like credit card or passport numbers in personal chats or channel conversations. Quite why someone would want to share their credit card number with someone else in a chat is beyond me, but there’s no accounting for human taste.

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Unsanctioned Apps in the Enterprise

Today, organizations leverage a plethora of software applications to enhance productivity, increase collaboration, and evolve their businesses. Some of these applications are IT approved and are purchased with a license by the organization at large; f… Continue reading Unsanctioned Apps in the Enterprise

Finance: A Cloud Security Investigation (CSI)

In a recent Bitglass Security Spotlight, we enumerated the risks associated with failing to implement proper data and threat protection in financial services. Financial organizations are often targeted by hackers who are looking to seize personally id… Continue reading Finance: A Cloud Security Investigation (CSI)

RFC: Distribution of Google’s Proprietary DLP (Alternatively: Google’s Leaked Data Leak Prevention System)

This morning, at ~03:51AM GMT Google’s DLP leaked.

I purchased the leak on the spot on behalf of the community.

In the image, you can see unexpected outgoing data automatically encrypted.
We assume unbreakable symmetric enc… Continue reading RFC: Distribution of Google’s Proprietary DLP (Alternatively: Google’s Leaked Data Leak Prevention System)

Cornerstone Capabilities of Cloud Access Security Brokers

Traditional security tools are not built to protect cloud data that is accessed from personal devices around the clock and around the world. With the rise of bring your own device (BYOD) and cloud-based tools like AWS, Office 365, and Salesfo… Continue reading Cornerstone Capabilities of Cloud Access Security Brokers

Have Yourself a Recursive Little Christmas: Ornament That Prints Ornaments

Sure there are the occasional functional Christmas tree ornaments; we had one that plugged into the lights and was supposed to sound like a bird gently trilling its song, but was in fact so eardrum-piercing that we were forbidden from using it. But in general, ornaments are just supposed to be for looks, right? Not so fast — this 3D-printed ornament has a 3D-printer inside that prints other ornaments. One day it might just be the must-have in functional Christmas decor.

Given that [Sean Hodgins] had only a few days to work on this tree-dwelling 3D-printer, the questionable print quality …read more

Continue reading Have Yourself a Recursive Little Christmas: Ornament That Prints Ornaments

Put that DLP Printer to Use Making PCBs

Now that these DLP printers are cheaper and more widely available, we’re starting to see hackers poking around the edge of the envelope to see what else the machines are capable of. [Electronoobs] recently got his hands on a couple of these printers, and thought he would do some experiments with using them for PCB production.

Rather than extruding molten plastic, these printers use light to cure resin layer-by-layer. In theory if the printer is good enough to cure the light-activated resin for a high resolution print, it should be able to do much the same thing with photosensitive PCBs. …read more

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