If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

In this question I asked about how to handle situations when SHA-256 hashes are not available for a file downloaded from the internet that contains executable code. Another community member insightfully asked if a hash is really needed to… Continue reading If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

In this question I asked about how to handle situations when SHA-256 hashes are not available for a file downloaded from the internet that contains executable code. Another community member insightfully asked if a hash is really needed to… Continue reading If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

In this question I asked about how to handle situations when SHA-256 hashes are not available for a file downloaded from the internet that contains executable code. Another community member insightfully asked if a hash is really needed to… Continue reading If a file is digitally signed, is posting a hash very useful for security purposes?

Could blockchain be used to verify the autheticty and integrity of data in case of zero day attack

Trusting the software/data with Digital Signature or means of hash will not work in case of zero day attack such as stuxnet where trusted vendor keys are stolen and as a part of installation they are trusted. In this case can we use blockchain for verifying the files hashes/digital signature for e.g.

  1. I develop a software while using components from known vendors.
  2. Tell them to create blockchain of all their files which will be delivered to me.
  3. Repeat procedure for each vendor.
  4. Now we have a blockchain of all publishers files I’ve received that I only trust.
  5. I deliver the whole software to my customer.

Now suppose if someone tried to send the file by signing with stolen private key (from one of my vendor) we first verify that the file exists in our BlockChain and reject/accept accordingly.

There are some assumptions to this that I accept:

  1. Too much efforts w.r.t developing infra and working with vendors.
  2. Again if the block chain is compromised there is no way to find out and we are back to square.

But if we have such setup can zero day attack be detected to some level.

Question is somewhat related to other Question asked:

Could blockchain be useful for a protocol to verify content from a trusted publisher in the way I’m thinking of?

I did not updated the original questions since changes are more.

Continue reading Could blockchain be used to verify the autheticty and integrity of data in case of zero day attack

Deriving digital signature key pair deterministically from an arbitrary secret

Is there a scheme that let people derive public/private key pair from arbitrary secrets?
As you may know, digital signature schemes have versatile use cases. The problem is, the key pair handling is too difficult for end-users. On the othe… Continue reading Deriving digital signature key pair deterministically from an arbitrary secret