Thermanator Attack Uses Thermal Residue from Keyboards to Steal Your Passwords

A new type of attack could allow a malicious actor with a mid-range thermal camera to capture keys pressed on a standard keyboard. The discovery has been made by three University of California professors. In other words, our fingers’ thermal…Re… Continue reading Thermanator Attack Uses Thermal Residue from Keyboards to Steal Your Passwords

Correct Horse Battery Staple: The Book

XKCD 936, the comic that introduced the phrase, ‘correct horse battery staple’ into both the lexicon and password dictionaries, is the best way to generate a password. Your passwords should be random phrases of random words, hopefully with a few random numbers or symbols sprinkled about. It’s the most entropy you can get that’s also easy to remember.

However, generating your own ‘correct horse’ password is generally a bad idea. Humans are terrible at coming up with random bits of information. Thankfully, the EFF has come up with a wordlist containing 7,776 random words (65, or five rolls …read more

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DyMerge – Bruteforce Dictionary Merging Tool

DyMerge is a simple, yet powerful bruteforce dictionary merging tool – written purely in python – which takes given wordlists and merges them into one dynamic dictionary that can then be used as ammunition for a successful dictionary based (or bruteforce) attack. One day the author was making his way through a ctf challenge, and […]


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