Amazon Alexa Forensic Walkthrough Guide

Hello again readers and welcome back! We are working on wrapping up 2017 here at BriMor Labs, as this was a very productive and busy year. One of the things that Jessica and I have been meaning to put together for quite some time was a small document s… Continue reading Amazon Alexa Forensic Walkthrough Guide

A Brief Recap of the SANS DFIR Summit

Hello again readers and welcome back!! I had the pleasure of attending (and speaking at, more on that in a bit!) at the 10th SANS DFIR Summit this past week. It is one conference that I always try to attend, as it always has a fantastic lineup of DFIR … Continue reading A Brief Recap of the SANS DFIR Summit

Public release of "allyourpebblearebelongtous" Perl script

Hello again readers and welcome back! This blog post is going to be fairly short, as the primary purpose is to publicly announce a new script, cleverly titled “”. This Perl script will allow the user to parse out data from … Continue reading Public release of "allyourpebblearebelongtous" Perl script

Public release of "allyourpebblearebelongtous" Perl script

Hello again readers and welcome back! This blog post is going to be fairly short, as the primary purpose is to publicly announce a new script, cleverly titled “”. This Perl script will allow the user to parse out data from … Continue reading Public release of "allyourpebblearebelongtous" Perl script