Most LokiBot samples in the wild are “hijacked” versions of the original malware

Hacker himself got hacked.

It turns out that most samples of the LokiBot malware being distributed in the wild are modified versions of the original sample, a security researcher has learned.

Targeting users since 2015, LokiBot is a password and cryp… Continue reading Most LokiBot samples in the wild are “hijacked” versions of the original malware

Marcus Hutchins, WannaCry-killer, hit with four new charges by the FBI

Marcus Hutchins, the British malware analyst who helped stop global Wannacry menace, is now facing four new charges related to malware he allegedly created and promoted it online to steal financial information.

Hutchins, the 24-year-old better known a… Continue reading Marcus Hutchins, WannaCry-killer, hit with four new charges by the FBI