The Demise of the Internal Datacenter and Consequential Risks

Recently, I happened upon a short article about the demise of internal data centers in favor of cloud services. The article, by John Delaney, appeared on page 28 of the May 2020 edition of the Communications of the ACM, and has the title “The Shu… Continue reading The Demise of the Internal Datacenter and Consequential Risks

Degaussing Coil To Restore Gameplay Like It’s 1985

You may think that cathode ray tube (CRT) TVs and monitors have gone the way of the dinosaur, but you’d be wrong. Many still have them for playing video games at home or in arcades, for vintage computing, and yes, even for watching television programs. [Nesmaniac] uses his TV for playing Super Mario Bros but for several years it had a red area in the top right corner due to a nearby lightning strike. Sadly, it stood out particularly well against the game’s blue background. His solution was to make a degaussing coil.

We have an article explaining degaussing in …read more

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