The biggest data security blind spot: Authorization

Too many people have access to company data they don’t need. Also, too many companies focus on authentication (verifying identity) as a security measure and overlook the importance of authorization (verifying right to access). While it’s im… Continue reading The biggest data security blind spot: Authorization

Organizations face an uphill battle to keep their sensitive data secure

On average, organizations store 61% of their sensitive data in the cloud, and most have experienced at least one cybersecurity breach (90%), threat (89%) and/or theft of data (80%), with 75% experiencing all three, according to Skyhigh Security. Overal… Continue reading Organizations face an uphill battle to keep their sensitive data secure

Leveraging network automation to enhance network security

Data backups get a lot of attention, but sadly, sometimes, the operational work that keeps networks secure – like device backups, upgrades, and configuration grooming – goes undone. Recent high-profile network outages have brought attention to the impo… Continue reading Leveraging network automation to enhance network security

Prioritizing data security amid workforce disruptions

Businesses have faced massive disruptions in their workforce – many are requesting employees return to the office, and layoffs are rattling several industries. This disruption in the workforce can open organizations up to significant security breaches…. Continue reading Prioritizing data security amid workforce disruptions

The Importance of Modern-Day Data Security Platforms

Data is the backbone of businesses and companies everywhere. Data can range from intellectual property to critical business plans to personal health information or even money itself. At the end of the day, businesses are looking to grow revenue, innovate, and operationalize but to do that, they must ensure that they leverage their data first […]

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The Digital World is Changing Fast: Data Discovery Can Help

The rise in digital technology is creating opportunities for individuals and organizations to achieve unprecedented success. It’s also creating new challenges, particularly in protecting sensitive personal and financial information. Personally identifiable information (PII) is trivial to manage. It’s often spread across multiple locations and formats and can be challenging to find and classify. Organizations need […]

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