Erasing a file or partition on an SSD or flash drive "reasonably" securely

There is a lot of information online and on this forum indicating that it is difficult to securely erase SSD or flash drives. Normally, the expectation would be that data is erased by overwriting it, for example using linux commands like:
Continue reading Erasing a file or partition on an SSD or flash drive "reasonably" securely

Are the encrypted browser-saved passwords randomly overwritten when deleted?

Normal ‘deleting’ of data and actually randomly overwriting it are very different in terms of security. So, just deleting passwords is not considered secure, because they can be recovered.
And although nearly all browsers encrypt their sav… Continue reading Are the encrypted browser-saved passwords randomly overwritten when deleted?

Can I connect to my broken android phone and retrieve data in a separate pc? [closed]

My phone was being accessed by someone and it looked like they were not gonna leave soon. So I destroyed my phone and it barely survived and can only be switched on without any display or anything.
My phone model: HUAWEI Y9
Android 9
Recov… Continue reading Can I connect to my broken android phone and retrieve data in a separate pc? [closed]