Russia, China, Iran Meddle in 2020 Election (Unsurprisingly)

It comes as no surprise to hear that Russia is up to its old tricks. China and Iran are also in on the game.
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Bringing network stability and security back to businesses big and small

If you remember the pre-pandemic fun of dining out in a Chinese restaurant, then you probably also know that, at the end of the meal, nobody wants to break open the fortune cookie to read, “May you live in interesting times.” While seemingly a blessing… Continue reading Bringing network stability and security back to businesses big and small

China Trolls U.S. With ‘Fox in Henhouse’ Data Security Plan

China says countries shouldn’t attack critical infrastructure. Nor steal data. Nor do mass surveillance. Nor put backdoors in their products.
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Is Cybersecurity Training on your Back-to-School List?

Virtual learning is an experience many teachers, parents and students have never previously planned for, and it?s creating cybersecurity risks. Acceleration of online education should be viewed as a fantastic opportunity to proactively address cybersec… Continue reading Is Cybersecurity Training on your Back-to-School List?

Apple U-Turn: It Will ‘Delay’ Killing Facebook’s Business Model

“Would you like evil advertisers to track you in this app?” Is anyone going to answer “Yes”?
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Cybercriminals Make Millions Selling Stolen Fortnite Accounts, New Research Shows

Thousands of stolen Fortnite accounts are selling like hotcakes in underground marketplaces, amassing around $1.2 million a year for cybercriminals, a new report shows. The Fortnite Underground Cybercrime Economy report sheds light on a million-dollar … Continue reading Cybercriminals Make Millions Selling Stolen Fortnite Accounts, New Research Shows

The Massive Shift to Cyber Crime

There is a cartoon in The New Yorker of March 30, 2020 showing four mobsters, one with a gun, sitting around a table. The caption reads: “For health and safety reasons, we’ll be transitioning to cyber crime.” You can see the cartoon at https://www.newy… Continue reading The Massive Shift to Cyber Crime

US Military Personnel Actively Targeted By Cybercriminals; Over $350 Million in Reported Losses in the Past Five Years

The most recent AtlasVPN research delves into fraud targeting US military personnel between 2015 and June 2020. In the past five years, active and former military staff have filed more than 680,000 complaints with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), re… Continue reading US Military Personnel Actively Targeted By Cybercriminals; Over $350 Million in Reported Losses in the Past Five Years

America’s Oldest Federal Law Enforcement Agency – The History Of The United States Postal Inspection Service

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Is a Ransomware Attack a Reportable Data Breach?

One question that vexes security engineers, incident responders and lawyers is whether a ransomware attack constitutes a reportable data breach under any of the various data breach disclosure laws, regulations or other requirements. As with anything e… Continue reading Is a Ransomware Attack a Reportable Data Breach?