Cybersecurity Frameworks — Types, Strategies, Implementation and Benefits

Organizations around the world are wondering how to become immune from cyber attacks which are evolving every day with more sophisticated attack vectors.

IT teams are always on the lookout for new ransomware and exploit spreading in the wild, but can … Continue reading Cybersecurity Frameworks — Types, Strategies, Implementation and Benefits

Why you need to know about Penetration Testing and Compliance Audits?

We live in an age where data flows like water, becoming the new life source of our everyday ventures.

As such, you can just imagine what all of that entails and the weight that data receive, especially when it comes to a decision making on how to han… Continue reading Why you need to know about Penetration Testing and Compliance Audits?

Cynet Review: Simplify Security with a True Security Platform

In 1999, Bruce Schneier wrote, “Complexity is the worst enemy of security.” That was 19 years ago (!) and since then, cyber security has only become more complex.

Today, controls dramatically outnumber staff available to support them. The Bank of Am… Continue reading Cynet Review: Simplify Security with a True Security Platform

3 Steps You Can Take Now to Lower Your Security Risk

The post 3 Steps You Can Take Now to Lower Your Security Risk appeared first on Delta Risk.
The post 3 Steps You Can Take Now to Lower Your Security Risk appeared first on Security Boulevard.
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