How AI Will Transform Data Security

I’ve often wondered whether artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity is a good thing or a bad thing for data security. Yes, I love the convenience of online stores suggesting the perfect items for me based on my search history, but other times it feels a bit creepy to have a pair of shoes I looked […]

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Government IT decision makers worried about security risks related to cloud migration

Nearly 70% of U.S. government IT decision makers surveyed view security risks as the top barrier when migrating to modern cloud platforms, a Morning Consult survey reveals. Of those surveyed, security also now outweighs reducing costs by almost double … Continue reading Government IT decision makers worried about security risks related to cloud migration

Questions that help CISOs and boards have each other’s back

Boards of directors and executives seem increasingly interested in understanding their companies’ security posture. And why wouldn’t they be? The ransomware threat posed by organized crime groups is considerable, and its impact can be devastating and t… Continue reading Questions that help CISOs and boards have each other’s back

Asset inventory management: What’s the ROI?

Asset inventory management is critical to any company’s planning and accounting process. Having an accurate, up-to-date view of every asset (all devices, equipment, vehicles, and properties) that your organization owns means that you can better optimiz… Continue reading Asset inventory management: What’s the ROI?

Most companies still rely on manual tools and tech for internal audit processes

Despite volatility of the risk landscape in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most organizations still rely on manual tools and technologies for internal audit processes, a MetricStream survey reveals. “Auditors don’t have time to sift thr… Continue reading Most companies still rely on manual tools and tech for internal audit processes

Most financial services mobile apps still rely on passwords, even with added friction

Incognia announced a report which highlights results from their most recent study focusing on authentication and friction at login and the password reset process. The study was conducted to provide banking, financial services, and investing/trading mob… Continue reading Most financial services mobile apps still rely on passwords, even with added friction

Vaccinate your data: Addressing and adapting to new data risks

It seems like only yesterday that we were all reading up on what the implementation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) would mean for businesses operating in (or handling data collection with organizations in) the EU. For… Continue reading Vaccinate your data: Addressing and adapting to new data risks

Protect your smartphone from radio-based attacks

By now, most of us are aware that smartphones are powerful computers and should be treated as such. It’s not a coincidence that most of the security tips given to smartphone users – such as refraining from opening suspicious links or downloading untrus… Continue reading Protect your smartphone from radio-based attacks

Application security tools ineffective against new and growing threats

A study by Fastly and ESG, based on insights from information security and IT professionals representing hundreds of organizations globally, revealed growing concerns around adequately securing the rapidly rising number of mission-critical cloud servic… Continue reading Application security tools ineffective against new and growing threats