Bringing network stability and security back to businesses big and small

If you remember the pre-pandemic fun of dining out in a Chinese restaurant, then you probably also know that, at the end of the meal, nobody wants to break open the fortune cookie to read, “May you live in interesting times.” While seemingly a blessing… Continue reading Bringing network stability and security back to businesses big and small

Simple and reliable network security for SMBs

When it comes to cybersecurity, what’s the difference between SMBs and large enterprises? If you guessed that the difference is related to the number of cyberattacks, then you’d be wrong. SMBs suffer just as many cyberattacks as large enter… Continue reading Simple and reliable network security for SMBs

Understanding the Payload-Less Email Attacks Evading Your Security Team

Business email compromise (BEC) attacks represent a small percentage of email attacks, but disproportionately represent the greatest financial risk. Continue reading Understanding the Payload-Less Email Attacks Evading Your Security Team

Cybersecurity & Coronavirus: Protecting Customers at Home

During these challenging times, when everyone is working, studying, and streaming from home, securing the home network is more important than ever.   I’m co-producing a webinar about this, where you can learn more about the growing threat la… Continue reading Cybersecurity & Coronavirus: Protecting Customers at Home

A smarter approach to artificial intelligence and machine learning in mobile security

There’s a lot of talk these days about how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will transform every industry, from agriculture (as CNN Tech recently reported) to zoo-keeping (as reported by the BBC). Cyberse… Continue reading A smarter approach to artificial intelligence and machine learning in mobile security

The Black Swan: Mitigating Cyber Attacks Within ICS Environments

ICSs are specialized resulting in limited industry expertise spanning ICS, IT, and security. In terms of mitigation techniques, most vendors and organizations leverage generic security methodologies resulting in a reactive approach. RSA Advanced Cyber … Continue reading The Black Swan: Mitigating Cyber Attacks Within ICS Environments

Imperva’s Top 10 Blogs of 2017

I recently took a step back to review all the content we shared in 2017 on the Imperva blog. We covered a broad range of topics including data security, cloud migration, application and API security, AI and machine learning, cybersecurity research, GDP… Continue reading Imperva’s Top 10 Blogs of 2017

Return to sender: military will send malware right back to you

‘The threat could be a large nation-state or a 12-year-old’ – so is weaponizing malware and sending it back the right tactic? Continue reading Return to sender: military will send malware right back to you