Ancient crystals tell story of fresh water from four billion years ago

A new study of ancient detrital zircons from inland Australia has found the first evidence that the Earth has had fresh water and dry land four billion years ago, much longer than previously thought. In fact, 500 million years further back in time.Cont… Continue reading Ancient crystals tell story of fresh water from four billion years ago

Innovative therapy brings hope to chronic lower back pain sufferers

There’s new hope for chronic lower back pain sufferers after an innovative trial combining psychological and physical approaches empowered patients to manage pain and movement, resulting in a dramatic reduction in the condition and related mobility iss… Continue reading Innovative therapy brings hope to chronic lower back pain sufferers

Modeling predicts supercontinent Amasia will form in 300 million years

New modeling from researchers at Curtin University has simulated 300 million years of tectonic plate movement to predict the formation of a supercontinent called Amasia. The modeling estimates the Pacific Ocean closing and America colliding with Asia.C… Continue reading Modeling predicts supercontinent Amasia will form in 300 million years

Oldest known heart found preserved in 380-million-year-old fish fossil

A museum display model of the ancient fish, fossils of which have been found to contain the oldest preserved heart of any vertebrate

Soft tissues don’t fossilize well, so most of the time scientists have to infer organ anatomy from just bones. But an unexpected treasure trove of new information has been discovered in Australia, with a 380-million-year-old fish fossil preserving the oldest heart ever found.

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Study links continent creation to 200-million year galactic comet cycle

Geologists have discovered a long-term cycle that may connect the formation of Earth’s continents to increased comet impacts and the planet’s journey through the galaxy. The team connected fluctuations in tiny grains in stable parts of the crust to the… Continue reading Study links continent creation to 200-million year galactic comet cycle

Asteroid analysis suggests some of Earth’s water came from the Sun

Accounting for where all of the Earth’s water came from is a longstanding puzzle, but an international team of scientists led by the University of Glasgow has proposed that the Sun may be a major source of our planet’s H₂O, by way of hydrogen from the … Continue reading Asteroid analysis suggests some of Earth’s water came from the Sun

Youngest Moon rocks ever found shake up understanding of lunar past

Last December, the Chinese lunar lander Chang’e-5 returned to Earth with the first rocks and dust collected from the Moon since 1976. Researchers studying these precious samples have used advanced scientific instruments to determine their age and concl… Continue reading Youngest Moon rocks ever found shake up understanding of lunar past

Landmark study presents evidence Alzheimer’s disease begins in the liver

Using a newly developed preclinical model, new research demonstrates how toxic amyloid proteins are produced in the liver and then travel to the brain

An impressive new study is presenting robust evidence showing the toxic proteins thought to be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease may be produced in the liver and travel through the blood before landing in the brain causing neuron damage.

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Aspirin shown to help native grasses grow on restored land

When restoring former industrial or agricultural land back to its natural state, it’s vitally important to reestablish ground cover plants such as native grasses. According to a new study, the addition of aspirin helps those grasses grow.Continue Readi… Continue reading Aspirin shown to help native grasses grow on restored land

Paleomagnetism suggests supercontinent cycle began two billion years ago

Geologists have pieced together an uncertain part of Earth’s ancient history. A team in Australia has found new evidence that suggests the cycle of supercontinents forming and breaking up only started about two billion years ago.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading Paleomagnetism suggests supercontinent cycle began two billion years ago